Just like there are no
guarantees in life, we do not guarantee anyone that they will
be successful, make a lot of money, or find a job Hand Crafting
We are not training people
for jobs making sandals in an existing factory. If that is what
you are looking for then the first step is to find the sandal
factory where you want to work and they will train you to make
sandals according to their formula.
We can teach the basic skills required
to make Hand Crafted Sandals, supply the tools and materials,
and the rest is up to each individual to develop in the direction
that suits them best...
It takes years to master the skills of
the trade, and the only way to get there is by making sandals.
There are no shortcuts or magic formulas.
After you make the first 100 pair, you
will know very well how to make sandals.
Getting started in the right direction
is the most difficult step to have to take...
There are no limitations to what an individual
can do...
Being self employed requires self discipline,
dedication and a lot of work, work, work... |